
NMC Practice Assessors & Practice Supervisors

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) published Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment in May 2018 which introduced three new roles: practice supervisor, practice assessor, and academic assessor. These roles support the learning, supervision, and assessment of student nurses and trainee nursing associates in practice and these standards, which apply to all NMC-approved pre- and post-registration programmes, came into effect in 2019, for further information access this link: Standards for student supervision and assessment

The Pan London Practice Learning Group (PLPLG) has been established for over 15 years. The PLPLG represents 14 Approved Education Institutions across London with our partner University, Middlesex, being one of them. They develop, support, monitor, and evaluate a standardised London-wide approach to practice learning and assessment for a range of learners on pre-registration nursing programmes. They aim to reduce variation in practice learning to create excellence across all 14 Approved Education institutions. This partnership with PLPG and Middlesex University forms part of our approval from the NMC to assess student nurses and trainee nursing associates in practice on the island, and is, therefore, what we must follow.  To read further access this link: Pan London practice learning group

This page aims to provide an overview of the roles of Practice Assessor, Practice Supervisor, and, Academic Assessor, and how they work together to ensure practice supervision and assessment meet the NMC (2019) Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment.

This material has been co-produced between our partner University, Middlesex, and the Committee for Health and Social Care (HSC) alongside information from the NMC and PLPG websites

  • Roles & Responsibilities

    • Practice Assessors
      A Practice Assessor must be a registered nurse for either student nurses/trainee nursing associates and a registered nursing associate for trainee nursing associates only. You must have appropriate equivalent experience for the student nurse/nursing associate's field of practice and have been prepared following approved learning materials via The Institute/PLPG. For prescribing programmes, the Practice Assessor can be any qualified and experienced prescriber who has also been prepared for their role either via The Institute or Middlesex University. For further detailed information click on this link: Practice and Academic assessment

    • What is expected of Practice Assessors?
      All Practice Assessors must follow NMC Guidance, for further detailed information click on this link:  What do practice assessors do?
      Practice Assessors must follow Middlesex University's policy for 'Managing Concerns/Complaints Related to Practice Experiences' and 'Raising Concerns Guidance'.
      If you have any concerns about a student nurse or trainee nursing associate, please inform the Academic Assessor and/or another member of The Institute.

    • Training
      New Practice Assessors, please book on to this one-day course via MyLearning (HSC staff only). If you work in Private Practice please contact both and to arrange to book a place.

    • Practice Supervisors
      Practice supervisors can be any registered health and social care professional who have been prepared and supported to take up their role and have up-to-date knowledge and experience relevant to the student they are supervising. Who are practice supervisors and how are they prepared?

    • What is expected of Practice Assessors?
      As a practice supervisor you have a key role in supporting and guiding the student through their learning experience to ensure safe and effective learning.

      This includes:

      • Facilitating learning opportunities including any reasonable adjustments the student may need to get maximum benefit from the placement

      • Contributing to the student's assessment through the recording of regular feedback on their progress towards, and achievement of, the required standards

      • Providing specific feedback to the practice assessor on the student's progress

    • Training
      New Practice Supervisors, please book on to this half-day course via MyLearning (HSC staff only). If you work in Private Practice please contact both and to arrange to book a place.

    • How can we maintain competence as Practice Assessors and Practice Supervisors?
      Practice Assessors and Supervisors are required by the University to attend an annual 2-hour online update workshop.

      For existing Practice Assessors and Supervisors, please book on to this online update via MyLearning (HSC staff only). If you work in Private Practice please contact both and to arrange to book a place.

    • Academic Assessor
      The Academic Assessor will be a member of the lecturing team at The Institute. They are registered nurses who have completed an Academic Assessor preparation programme or have equivalent qualifications/experience. You will be advised as to who the Academic Assessor is for the student nurse/nursing associate you are assessing. You will work in partnership to evaluate and recommend the student for progression for each part of the programme, in line with programme standards, and for entry (or additional entry) to the NMC professional register on successful completion of the programme. This person will also be your first point of contact for any queries and/or concerns you may have about the placement, the student nurse's/trainee nursing associate's PAD, ability, conduct, wellbeing, processes, etc. alongside potential issues that have occurred in practice.

      NMC Guidance outlining the role of the Academic Assessors: Who are academic assessors and how are they prepared

      Pan London Practice Learning Group guidance on the role of Academic Assessor: PLPLG overview

      LIP Displays a larger version of this image in a new browser window








  • Guide to Assessment in Practice

    • sssa

    • When assessing the student nurse/trainee nursing associate, you should consider sources of evidence that encompass knowledge, skills, attitudes, and the views of those receiving care. Comments should acknowledge those exceptional students who are exceeding expectations for their stage in practice or who have particularly commendable attitudes, behaviours, knowledge, or skills. If the student nurse/trainee nursing associate is not meeting the required standards this must be highlighted as a development need to the student nurse/trainee nursing associate and the Academic Assessor must be informed. Students will gain underpinning knowledge within the University programme, and an introduction to clinical skills, which they will then practise, under supervision, during placements.

      Assessment in practice may involve:

      • Direct observation by you 

      • Working alongside you

      • Discussion with you

      • Indirect observation/working with other people in the healthcare team 

      • Evidence of the work the student has completed, e.g., reports, records

    • Assessment is supported by discussions between you and the student and where possible the Academic Assessor. The student's opinion of their personal performance is also valued and should be documented in the spirit of self-evaluation.

      The above is referenced from PLPLG and the NMC, follow these links below for more detailed information: Safe and effective learning /

    • Guide to using Practice Assessment Document

    • 1st day of placement
      The Practice Assessor or Practice Supervisor must complete the 'Orientation to the Practice Setting' page of the Practice Assessment Document including asking the student if they have any reasonable adjustments that need to be considered.

      By the end of the 1st week of placement (it is important this initial interview takes place by the end of the first week and not nearer the midpoint of the placement)
      The Practice Assessor or Practice Supervisor must complete the 'Placement details page'.
      The Practice Assessor or Practice Supervisor must review previous placement feedback in the Practice Assessment Document and the Ongoing Achievement Record prior to completing the Initial Interview.

      Midway through the placement (it is important this assessment takes place at midpoint and not nearer the end of the placement)
      This must be completed by the Practice Assessor.
      The Practice Assessor needs to gather feedback from all Practice Supervisors to inform midpoint assessment. If it is deemed that the student nurse/trainee nursing associate is not necessarily meeting the requirements at this stage of their placement you must inform the Academic Assessor straight away.
      Student nurse/trainee nursing associate are required to self-evaluate against the professional values in preparation for the midpoint assessment.
      The Practice Assessor needs to complete the midpoint assessment of the student nurse's/trainee nursing associate's progress to date and agree learning outcomes for the remaining time of the student nurse's/trainee nursing associate's placement, identifying further learning opportunities that are available to meet elements of the Practice Standards.
      Practice Assessor to:
      • Review the attendance record.
      • Review any testimonies the student has obtained from Practice Supervisors, other Health and Social Care colleagues and unregistered staff.
      • Complete the professional values assessment.
      • Complete the Ongoing Development Plan: to be agreed by you and the student and written by you.
      • Ongoing Development Plans can be written at any time within the placement.
      • Review any other achievement of assessed elements of the practice standards, medicines management, episodes of care, proficiencies.
      • Review any reasonable adjustments, ensuring that they have been implemented and if they are effective. Contact the Academic Advisor for support if there are any concerns or questions.
      • If an action plan is required, this must be written in conjunction with the Academic Assessor at midpoint or earlier.
    • Final interview completed in the last week of the placement
    • This must be completed by the Practice Assessor
      Practice Assessor needs to gather feedback from all Practice Supervisors to inform the final assessment. If the student nurse/trainee nursing associate is on an action plan the Academic Assessor must be involved.
      Before the final assessment date, the student nurse/trainee nursing associate must self-evaluate against professional values, completing the reflection, in preparation for the final assessment.
      Practice Assessor to:
      • Assess the student nurse/trainee nursing associate against the professional values
      • Discuss the learning and any deficits in knowledge and skills achieved with the student nurse/trainee nursing associate and complete all relevant documentation in the Practice Assessment Document
      • Check the attendance record and verify the hours weekly.
      • Review any testimonies, taking these comments into consideration when assessing the student nurse/trainee nursing associate performance.
      • Review all service user feedback.  
      • Review and complete the Ongoing Achievement Record including providing clear and specific feedforward.
      • The final decision is based on the student's performance within practice and their achievement of skills, against the assessed elements of the Practice Assessment Document.
      • The above has been developed using PLPLG and the NMC, follow these links below for more detailed information: Safe and effective learning
  • Sickness absence / Leave & study days

    • Student sickness
      If a student needs to miss their placement due to illness, they need to contact both placement and their Academic Assessor, the Programme Lead and Senior Programme Manager at the Institute.

    • Practice Supervisor / Assessor sickness
      An associate Practice Supervisor/Assessor should always be identified at the beginning of the placement who can then take over if a Practice Supervisor/Assessor is off sick.

    • Shifts and hours of duty
      Students are required to experience the 7 days a-week, 24 hours a day nature of practice and will therefore be required to undertake a range of shift patterns, including weekends and night duty. If a student has special requirements, you will be informed by the student nurse/trainee nursing associate and their Academic Assessor.

    • Public holidays
      If a service is closed on a public holiday, Practice Supervisor/Assessor should arrange for student nurses/trainee nursing associates to undertake some work-based learning or study related to the placement, alternatively, follow a patients journey and undertake hours in another department.

  • PAD & OAR Documentation and Assessment

    • PAD and OAR documentation and assessment










    • Depending on the stage of the programme, the student nurse/trainee nursing associate can and should be assisted to engage in a wide variety of nursing activities, using their skills; the purpose being to enhance the student nurse/trainee nursing associate knowledge and understanding of health care practice. They are also required to observe and engage with other professionals during their placement and evidence this in their Practice Assessment Document (PAD).  

    • learning and assessment framework Displays a larger version of this image in a new browser window











    • Year 1 level 4
      Competency Statement: The student nurse/trainee nursing associate has been exposed to the experience/activity. The student nurse/trainee nursing associate can undertake the activity.
      Expectations of students: The student nurse/trainee nursing associate observes others undertaking the activity, can accurately describe it and is a helper. The student nurse/trainee nursing associate demonstrates an acceptable performance under direct supervision and is a knowledgeable observer.

    • Year 2 level 5
      Competency Statement: The student nurse/trainee nursing associate can undertake the activity and explain how the outcome relates to nursing practice.
      Expectations of students: The student nurse/trainee nursing associate carries out the activity as instructed, showing understanding of the rationale behind it. The student nurse/trainee nursing associate is beginning to function more independently and is beginning to formulate principles to guide practice. The student nurse/trainee nursing associate is beginning to adapt and apply nursing skill.

    • Year 3 level 6
      Competency Statement: The student nurse uses previous experience and applies this knowledge to new settings and is beginning to influence others.
      Expectations of Students: The student nurse competently and consistently applies and adapts the skills, knowledge and attitudes acquired to new situations. The student nurse can work as an effective member of the team in an organised and efficient way and is beginning to act as a role model to others. The student nurse/trainee nursing associate is developing teaching skills.

    • More detailed information can be found here: 

      SSSA Supporting Information hub - The Nursing and Midwifery Council (

    • Supporting Neurodivergent student nurses/nursing associates and those with Long-Term Conditions
      There are a high percentage of neurodivergent students studying at the Institute who have dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, autism, ADHD, or a combination of these conditions. There are also students who have long term conditions which are also protected by the Prevention of Discrimination (Guernsey) Ordinance, 2022. Many of these students will have identified reasonable adjustments which should be implemented within your practice settings. It is good practice to ask all students at the beginning of the placement if they have any reasonable adjustments and what strategies that they may have in place to overcome any challenges that they may have. If you have any concerns regarding implementing reasonable adjustments or supporting the student, contact the Academic Assessor.

      Further information can be found: Neurodiversity Guidance

  • Clinical Skills

    • Practice Supervisors/Assessors are encouraged to teach students in practice, as not every skill can be taught in skills simulation in theory. If you can provide appropriate education, guidance, and supervision, then student can undertake the skill.

    • Here is an overview of skills taught in theory to the student nurses/trainee nursing associates, however, there will be skills not on here that will be best taught in the clinical environment:

    • Supervision and assessment of clinical skills Displays a larger version of this image in a new browser window

    • Examples of TNA

















    • Where exposure to certain procedures is limited, for example, due to practice learning organisation policy or limited exposure for the specific field of practice, the procedures may be assessed as part of simulated learning within practice.

      For further guidance on clinical skills please access the below NMC links:

      For Registered Nurses: Future nurse proficiencies 

      For Nursing Associates: Nursing associates proficiencies 

      Whilst it is recognised that student nurses/trainee nursing associates must become proficient in the process of drug administration and management this must always be under direct supervision. All student nurses/trainee nursing associates are required to engage in medication administration in each year of their programme as per their PAD, Medication Management.

    • Common Queries Answered

    • Intravenous medication preparation and administer medication - Student nurses can be involved in the preparation of IV medication from Year 2. In Year 3 student nurses start to undertake the capital nurse IV therapy passport programme and will be exposed to IV administration in a simulated environment The decision for students to participate in IV preparation and administration remains with the organisations policy.

    • Trainee nursing associates are advised that they may not participate in the preparation or administration of intravenous medication.

    • Student nurses/trainee nursing associates are advised that it is their responsibility to review the medication policy of the placement area and clarify with their Practice Assessor what they are permitted to do in accordance with the organisations policy.

      Keys - Under no circumstances are student nurses/trainee nursing associates permitted to be responsible for the practice placement's medicine keys.

      Patient group directions (PGD) - student nurses/trainee nursing associates cannot supply or administer under a PGD but would be expected to understand the principles.

      Verbal orders and text messaging - student nurses/trainee nursing associates should not take verbal orders.

      Second signatory - The student nurses/trainee nursing associates may act as a second signatory, however, this would need to be countersigned by a Practice Assessor/Supervisor working within their scope of practice.

      Controlled Medicines Administration - The student nurses/trainee nursing associates can prepare and administer controlled medicines; however, this must be countersigned by a Practice Assessor/Supervisor working within their scope of practice and witnessed by another a Practice Assessor/Supervisor working within their scope of practice.

      If in a HSC placement area access the Local Policy for further guidance:

      1.      G210 - Code of Practice for the Safe and Secure Handling of Medicines

      2.      G210a - Administration of Medicines by Registered Nursing Associates

    • However, if in private practice areas please review organisational policy for the area. 

  • Action Planning for Student Nurses & Trainee Nursing Associates

    • If as an assessor/supervisor there are any worries or thoughts that the student/trainee nursing associate may not be achieving competencies/proficiencies prior to their midpoint interview or prior to their final interview it is imperative that the Academic Assessor or another member of the Academic Team is contacted to discuss what plans could be put in place and if an action within their PAD is required.

      NMC Guidance

      Practice Assessors, please book on to this specific Action Planning session which runs 1-2 times per year via MyLearning (HSC staff only). If you work in Private Practice please contact both and to arrange to book a place.

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